Where new coaches come to play!












I’m not here to help you “get rich quick.”

I’m here to help you build a business that lets you enjoy the riches in your everyday life.

Is it just me, or does it feel like every business coach these days is sipping mimosas in a on a white, sandy beach?

that's just not me, sorry (not sorry)

Well, you definitely won't find me on a beach. I’m changing nappies and playing peek-a-boo in my living room.

And I’m chuffed to bits. Because I didn’t become a coach to fund a luxury lifestyle. I became a coach so I could help people and be a present dad to my 1-year-old son.

That’s what fulfilment looks like for me. 
And I’m here to help you build whatever it looks like for you.

What my typical work days look like

When I started coaching, I was told that you had to send thousands of DMs to make sales online... and I’ve got the Excel tracker sheets to prove it.

I started my coaching business when my wife was pregnant with our son Joey. After a difficult pregnancy, it was unimaginable to me that I’d only have 2 weeks of paternity leave. I wanted to soak in every moment with my family. 


I decided to put all of my energy into my coaching side hustle, and finally make it my full-time job. Luckily, being an entrepreneur is easy and it was smooth sailing right away. (Ha. If only.)

Let me start with a confession...

What an adventure it's been!

Here’s what the backend of my business looked like when I had no clue what I was doing

I had no automations

Unless you count rummaging through my inbox for that one email I sent ages ago because “There were some golden nuggets I could reuse!” Spoiler: There weren’t.

I had no reliable way to get clients

Though I did get ONE client after a truly fabulous weekend DMing 2,000 people a cold sales pitch. (Not to brag, but that’s a 0.05% success rate.)

And I had no real strategy

Unless you’d call a spreadsheet listing my followers and DM attempts a “strategy.” (In a true show of genius, I also convinced myself that personalising each DM would bring in better results. Yeah, I was living my best life!)

Instead of hustling harder

Quite the opposite. I felt like I’d traded 1 full-time job for 3 … and very little sleep.

So I made it my goal to figure out how to use my time more effectively. Where was I wasting time? What tasks weren’t contributing to the growth of my business? What was the bare minimum I needed to do to get results?

It turns out that trying to start a new business and coach clients and work from home and care for a newborn baby didn’t leave me a whole lot of time to rewatch Breaking Bad.

It All Changed!


Instead of trying to do everything

And with a do less to make more strategy...

I simplified

I streamlined

The entire structure of my business changed

So, what now?

Now, I help new coaches fast forward through the dazed and confused stage of starting a coaching business.

I made every mistake in the coaching handbook. (Some more than once, if we’re being honest.) But I don’t regret a single one of those 2,000 cold DMs.

Because, I learned the hard way, so I can show you the smart way.

show me the way!

"It's been so helpful to work through the fears and hurdles that have held me back for years."

Im so grateful for the encouragement and wisdom David has provided in growing a business that feels comfortable for me.

— Britney b. (real estate coach)

Because if you’re stressed out all day and knackered at night from running your business, that’s going to impact your family, too. We’re building sustainable businesses that put your family first. 


We’re a family-first business.


There are LOADS of ways to build a successful business — but not all of them will work for your lifestyle. My aim is to show you all the options available so you can pick the path that suits you best.

We don’t teach one route to success.


“Start living your dream life” doesn’t mean maxing out your credit card on things you can’t afford yet. We create resources at every price point to support you at every budget.

We want you to spend smartly.

our values


After being homeless at 18 years old, I spent 15 years as a professional people helper.

(Oh, you wanted my official job titles?)

A child and family social worker.

An employability coach for the unemployed.

A resettlement worker in prisons.

I was a homeless shelter coordinator


And a Head of Year in multiple schools.

In schools, prisons, homeless shelters, hostels, churches, and youth centres, I was a coach without realising it.

And whether I was working with unhoused families, gang leavers, or abused children, I found myself empowering and equipping people to pursue their vision of a great life, without letting their fear or past experiences get in the way.

Now I’m a professional business & mindset coach, but the truth is, I’m still helping people just to help people. I care a lot. I get invested. I’m gutted when you lose a client, and giddy when your launch is a success. Because I want your business to succeed as much as you do.

help me with my business

“David is a breath of fresh air, as my coach.”

The information that David offers through his coaching, not only taught me the elements of an online business, it showed me how I can plan my steps before I take them and set myself up to succeed, from where I start! What better enlightening, encouraging role models are there for a coach? If you're looking for GOOD help starting your business, it's here!

— trevon m. (music industry coach

The information that David offers through his coaching, not only taught me the elements of an online business, it showed me how I can plan my steps before I take them and set myself up to succeed

Your at-a-glance guide to where I stand on all the truly important things.


Favorite indulgence

Walkers Crisps

celeb i'd love to meet

Samuel L. Jackson

Guilty pleasure

Rom Coms

alternate universe job:

A Secret Agent

favorite place i've been:

London (Obvs)

drink of choice

Hot tea or a cold beer

can't live without

My faith and my family

usually craving

A long evening walk

beach vs mountains


favourite shows to binge

Lost, Black Mirror, Breaking Bad

joesph hume

the real boss

robyn hume

the OG entrepreneur

david hume


The Whole Squad

you had me at freebie!

grab the freebie

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